Poetry speaks an universal language,
it is
an attempt to say the unsayable.
by Saskia:
mysterie van de liefde
Dat de ene mens
van een andere mens moet houden
is misschien wel de moeilijkste taak die ons is toevertrouwd,
de ultieme taak,
de eindtoets,
het werk waarvoor
al het andere werk slechts voorbereiding was.
Rainer Maria Rilke
Atempt of a translation:
The Mystery of love
For one human to
love another human,
is perhaps the single
most difficult task set upon us,
the ultimate task, the final
the work for which all the other
work was just preparation.
Maria Rilke
This website is created to take a positive
act, to create awareness that we depend on eachother.
We are not in competition. We are one. This website promotes nor
discards any religion or opinion.
Each contribution is treated with respect, as long as it is "growsome"
and constructive.
So this place can become a place where we can
share wisdom and insights to make this world a better place.
reactions & questions mail to : info@Eden4All.nl